7 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Website Copy

Updating your web copy is one of the most straightforward tasks ever, especially if your website gets decent traffic and leads. How often you update your web copy depends primarily on your business, internet marketing plan, and more factors. So when do see signs to update your website? Dig in and find out. If the […]

11 Common SEO Mistakes (That Even Gurus Make Every Day)

Google is the leading source of referral traffic. Website SEO (search engine optimization) guarantees increased visibility and top rankings on SERPs (Search engine results page). Are there any Common SEO mistakes that people make? Lets, find out SEO involves off-page optimizations, meta tags, and keywords, amongst other tips and tricks. It is possible to forget […]

Best WordPress Plugins to Level up your SEO Game in 2023

 51% of website traffic comes from search engines. If you are a website owner, you need to optimize your site with the best WordPress plugins for SEO. Although the plugins do not guarantee first-page ranking, they help improve your chances of ranking high on search engines. WordPress is SEO friendly and has several plugins that […]