How to Add Keywords to Your Copy for Both Users and SEO

keywords that appeal to users and search engines
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Do you know what determines the success of online content? Does the number of users, revenue, or daily visits define it? Yes, it does to some extent, but to be exact, it is content that readers find useful, and search engines rank high. Here, you will find out how to add keywords to your copy to boost ranking. Stay tuned

Search engines do not need your content; they need you to provide valuable content, then they reward you with a high ranking. 

Search engines provide the best answers to search queries. If a user clicks on your content and then closes it immediately, it means you did not give the answer they are looking for.

Google, the largest search engine, receives above 2 trillion searches every year. With Google's highly sophisticated algorithms, it is easy to tell which content users enjoy online. So, as long as the content is beneficial to the user, Google loves it and rewards you by ranking the content high.

Content for Search Engines or Humans?

how to add keywords to your copy

SEO is the most misunderstood subject online, according to Copyblogger. The underlying question is whether to focus on humans when creating content or search engines.

Although search engines determine your ranking, they rely on how users interact with your content to rank it.

Online visitors rely on search engines to produce the most relevant results after a search query.

Search engines focus on content that answers the user’s question. In short, people come first then search engines second when creating content. Therefore, your content should appeal to the searcher and must meet the searcher's purpose.

According to Revolution, Google relies on the relevance and authority of content when ranking as it guarantees an improved user experience.

The search engine scans the quality and quantity of links pointing to your content. The quality of links focuses on whether the links are trustworthy.

As for relevance, Google analyses the content for keywords. How well have you used the words? Where have you positioned them on the post? How often have you used the terms?

6 tips on how to add keywords to your copy

1. Research

When researching the keyword, consider the search intent and the search term your target audience use. The two factors will help you create content that focuses on your audience’s pain points.

To get the right keywords, you must understand your audience’s pain points. Are they looking for an SEO agency? Then, find out the intention behind looking for the content on the pain points.

Keywords are the language that your audience uses when looking for your services. So, when you use the exact term, you speak the same language as the user, and thus, you become relatable.

Search volume and terms allow you to understand the interest and pain points of your prospects. Before you finalize the search term to use, cross-reference the search term with current content on Google to understand the intent from Google’s viewpoint.

2. Up-to-date Information

Is the content and pages on your site fresh? Is there old content on your site? Well, if the outdated content is still valuable, make minor adjustments to boost its relevance and freshness.

Look for trending keywords and add them to the existing content.

Updating your content with trending keywords indicate to the search engines that your site is well maintained. Besides, online users spend more time on up-to-date and informative content.

3. Diversify

Content is the currency of the online space, but there is no limitation in the type of content to use. Videos, images, and audio are also appealing to online visitors.

Images break the monotony in long-form content. There are free and premium images to choose from on sites such as Pixabay.  Optimize images, audio, videos, and the pages you embed to increase visibility. A content delivery network (CDN) helps to maintain a low load time, which guarantees high site speed and improved user experience.

For images, add captions and alt-text with relevant keywords while you can include a transcript for your podcasts or videos.

4. Quality Content

Search engines rank sites depending on their value. One of the secrets to why Google's success is: providing quality search results consistently. The ranking is like vouching for a website. If the search engine has more trust in the site, it ranks it high. For a website to draw the attention of search engines, you must have quality content that attracts and encourages visitors to stay on your site.

Google defines high-quality content as original, professionally written, accurate, and comprehensive content. The search engine rewards trustworthiness, authoritativeness, and expertise in content creation.

To guarantee high-quality content that website visitors and search engines enjoy consistently, invest in a content strategy. Come up with relevant keywords to use. Concentrating on relevant keywords guarantees better ranking and improved user experience.

5. Keyword Placement

how to add keywords to your copy

Keywords should appear naturally in your content to maintain readability. Include keywords on your subheads, titles, and body of the content. Forget about the keyword density for some time to avoid compromising on the quality of the content.

Think about what the user wants to read and the search terms they use then, write content that aligns with the two.

6. Focus on the Pain Points

When you create posts that respond to a user’s pain point, you please search engines and users in two ways. One, search engines display your content on search results because it is valuable. Two, the prospects find the content helpful because it addresses their pressing needs.

Plain points make the best keywords.

Google results are so accurate that online searchers rarely look for additional content after their first resource.

Useful content answers a user’s questions in a comprehensive, complete, and substantial manner. Search engines love content that is beyond obvious.

To increase visibility, optimize your content for direct answers, and featured snippets. Optimization improves the chances of your content appearing after a voice search call.

Sometimes you may want to add H2 within your text to increase the accessibility of the main points. This strategy helps you to attract and maintain visitors to the post.

Final Word

When you create content that is relevant to your readers, search engines understand the value of the content, and reward you.


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